Mentality Mates Club


The purpose of this club is to help the participants to comprehend better, the challenges that they face in day-to-day life situations. The mentality mates club was established on June 13 in order to recognise the significance of mental health and to learn more about oneself.

Students and staff spoke about the club’s slogan, and the value of mental health.

The services provided by the club include *weekly psychoeducation on a variety of subjects.

*Student counsellors  to assist them in coping with day-to-day difficulties and help PU students in  psychological problems that adolescents encounter

*The professional counsellor in the club oversees the student counsellors.

Yearly plan of the club:-


1) Club inauguration

2) Psycho education on assertiveness

3) Goal setting and motivation

4) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates


1) Psycho education on influence of social media for learning

2) Time management

3) Self esteem

4) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates


1) Psycho education on challenges that adolescence face and better perspective

2) Anger management

3) Anxiety management

4) Women empowerment

5) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates


1) Stress management

2) Sex education

3) Friendship and relationship

4) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates


1) Importance of mental health day

2) Learning techniques

3) Dealing with exam anxiety and fear

4) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates


1) Psycho education on inculcating positivity

2) Positive and negative attitude

3) Rational and logical thinking and depression

4) Child abuse and sexual abuse

5) Student volunteers counselling fellow mates