
       Eco-Club 2022-23

The Eco – club seeks to promote environmental awareness at the grass root level by creating and nurturing green consciousness among the students.

Vision : The club will be committed to raising social awareness regarding environmental issues and changing student’s attitudes towards the environment by enlisting their active participation in the club’s activities

Mission: To create awareness among t

he students to “Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Refuse Recycle

Inauguration of Eco-Club: On 23rd June 2022, the College celebrated “World Environmental Day, Inauguration of the Eco-Club was held and it was a good start for the Department of Biology. Snake Sham, Naturalist was the chief guest for the function and a special lecture was given by Mr. Snake Shyam on the topic: “Environmental Awareness”.

Action Plan for the year 2023- 24

*June 5th : Environmental Day celebration
June 8th : In recognition of Ocean Day, Essay competition is held.
Topic : Importance of Water.
June 20th: Inauguration of ECO-CLUB.
June 19th to 24th: Awareness drive for a plastic free campus.

Drawing Competition
Topic: Envirnonent

A PPT presentation on the,
Topic: Global warming

*) Pot painting
*) Collage making with Seeds.
*)Flower arrangement
*) Best of Waste.

* A visit to dairy or Silk factory.
* Creative Work
Making of eco friendly products like paper bags.

*A visit to government school.

College cleaning drive.

*Visit to the orphanage.

*)Special lecturer on carrer guidance.